作者 Michel Roux

00 目录 酱汁分类

底汤和腌料 stocks & marinades

01 小牛骨汤 veal stock, 鸡汤 chicken stock,羊汤 lamb stock, 鱼汤 fish stock,野味汤 game stock, 蔬菜汤 vegetable stock

02 香橙刁草汁 orange and dill marinade for seafood,  东方海鲜汁 oriental marinade for crustaceans, 酸甜腌鱼料 sweet sour marinade for fish, 红酒腌肉汁 cooked red win marinade for meat and game, 生姜酱油腌肉汁 ginger and soy marinade for red meats,

香辣禽肉腌料 spoced marinade for poultry

汁水 infusions & nages

香料水 aromatic herb infusion, 帕尔玛森汁 parmesan water, 蘑菇辣根汁 mushroom and horseradish nage, 番茄水 tomato water, 番茄酱汁 tomato nage, 荷兰芹酱配柠檬草 parsley nage with lemon grass

白沙司 white sauces

反正自己看 懒得写中文了 bechamel sauce, soubise sauce, aurora sauce, parsley sauce, mornay sauce, coconut and chilli pepper sauce, bread sauce, veloute sauce, albufera sauce, albufera sauce, saffron sauce supreme, sauce supreme with sherry and mushrooms, champagne sauce with morels, mustard and white wine sauce, allemande sauce, sauce albert, sorrel sauce, caper sauce with anchovies, beer sauce 

乳化酱汁 emulsion sauces

mayonnaise, gribiche sauce, aioli, tartare sauce, sauce balkanaise, green sauce, hollandaise sauce, bearnaise saiuce, bearnaise sauce, rouille, red pepper sabayon, beurre blanc with cream, champagne beurre blanc, cider beurre blanc

油醋汁 vinaigrettes

classic vinaigrette, lemon and mint vinaigrette, tomato vinaigrette, Thai vinaigrette with lemon grass, crustacean oil vinaegrette, caesat dressing, citrus vinaigrette, garlic vinaigrette, raspberry vinegar, chive oil, crustacean oil, matre d’hôtel butter, foie gras butter, barbecue butter, shrimp butter, lagoustine butter

萨萨 salsas

red pepper salsa, herb salsa, tomato and basil salsa, pineapple salsa with corander, tropical salsa, sauce vierge, bois boudran sauce,

yoghurt sauce, pistou, ginger and chilli sauce for sashimi

蔬菜泥 vegetable coulis

cucumber coulis, asparagus coulis, creamy celeriac coulis, leek coulis with saffron and dill, aubergine couis, cooked tomato coulis, fresh tomato and basil coulis, cep coulis, parsley coulis

鱼类海鲜酱汁 sauce for fish & seafood

tomato and basil fish fument, vermouth sauce, matelotes sauce, champagne sauce, claret sauce, bercy sauce, suaternes sauce with pistachios, tamarind sauce, watercress sauce, nantua sauce, seaspray sauce, mormandy sauce, curried mussel sauce, seafood sauce with saffron, shrimp sauce, thermidor sauce, americaine sauce

肉类 禽类 野味酱汁 sauce for meat, poultry & game

lamb jus with rosemary, chicken jus with savory, quick sauce for game birds, chicken gravy with thyme, lamb gravy scented with lavender honey, chicken sauce with suracao, buccaneer’s sauce, berdelaise sauce, chasseur sauce, bigarade sauce, charcutiere sauce, perigueux sauce, aingara sauce, five-spice sauce, rocket sauce with horseradish, olive and savory sauce, aubergine sauce with tarragon, juniper sauce, devil sauce, satay sauce

风味果酱 savoury fruity sauces & chutneys

apple sauce, peach sauce, mango and passion fruit sauce, cumberland sauce, port sauce, sweet and sour sauce, pumpkin sauce with sweet spices, arabica fig sauce, cherry tomato sauce, blackberry sauce, cranberry and biberry sauce, onion and green apple chutney, fruity curry sauce, peach  chutney, pear chutney

其它甜品果泥和沙司 coulis & other fruity dessert sauces

redcurrant and passion fruit, stock syrup, blackberry coulis, redcurrant coulis, strawberry coulis, instant red fruit coulis, grapefruit coulis with mint, rhubarb coulis, grape coulis with Armagnac, mango coulis with saffron, coulis of pears with red wine, coulis of peaches with lavender honey, orange butter sauce,  prune and Armagnac sauce, autumnal sauce, banana sauce, hot apricot sauce, rum and sultana sauce, sweet spiced red wine sauce.

卡仕达和萨芭雍 custard & sabayons

creme anglaise, pistachio creme anglaise, lemon custard, jasmin tea custard, classic sabayon, coffee sabayon with cinnamon, caramel sabayon, liquorice sauce.

巧克力和其它风味浓郁酱汁 chocolate & other rich creamy

classic rich chocolate sauce, white chocolate sauce with mint, quick chocolate sauce, maple syrup coffee and drambui sauce, butterscotch sauce, caramel sauce.

作者 豆豆爹


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